Mar 31, 2011

It's All Happening...We Are Moving...

Well - not me, exactly, just Walnut Avenue...

That's right, Walnut Avenue is getting a makeover. Ty Pennington himself (not really but I suppose it could happen) is coming over to MY little brick ranch to give us an Extreme Makeover which pretty much amounts to a new name and a new .com. Did you catch my hint as to what it will be??

Little Brick Ranch

I have been wanting to make the switch for sometime now and I thought now is the best time to do so...before I get as big and famous as Oprah... The switch will be happening sometime this evening. I am ALMOST positive that my followers will still follow. If not, I will be keeping my old blogspot address in an effort to redirect you. AND, TRUST ME, YOU WANT TO BE REDIRECTED!!! MY FIRST BIG GIVEAWAY IS HAPPENING MONDAY!!!!

So make sure to follow me from Walnut Avenue to Little Brick Ranch. I will be doing all the same things as usual...messing up the simple task of hanging a shelf, finding cheap-o ways of using As Is crap, using my tools wrong and in any way possible to finish a job, and , of course, being the hostess with the mostess on Foodie Fridays!


Bianca @ Little Brick Ranch
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