Jan 5, 2011

I love Craig and his List! :)

Taking a break from the painting posts to share a recent find with you...

All right guys - get ready for some fist pumping!  I scored a beaut of a table on Craigslist this week.  FREEEE!!!  My favorite price EVER!  It was a bit of a pain to go get her in rush hour traffic but it all made the trip worth it when I feast my eyes on this:

Ok - so she is a little rough around the edges, literally, but I plan to switch out her top ( I would love some white marble with a bluish or beigey vein) and paint her bottom and give her the full once over of beauty. For now - she shall sit in my dining nook with this round Ralph Lauren paisley table cloth I picked up at Marshalls on clearance for $7!

Well, as of now she does not look so pristine.  Once I started doing the paint and trim work my baby has become a bit of a catch all for painting crap...

While I am am at it how 'bout you check out the rest of the room in all its glory...

As you can see I have a few projects going on right now in our living room.  I plan to sand and paint those doors (which have been sitting there for a week now), paint the table/desk seen there, and also in the back of the picture on the right is a dresser that needs some painting.  It is way too cold out to be doing this stuff in the garage - thankfully my husband is a patient man.  I would love to make this a permanent workspace living room one day.

As for the table - ain't she sweet?  Now to make her functional I need me some chairs!  Im keeping an eye on the freebies from good old Craig...I know they're out there somewhere.

Ill keep you posted on her face lift!

Toodles till then!

Update - Check out my new Craigslist FREE find here!!
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