Mar 25, 2011

Foodie Friday - New Linky Party!!

Hello my fabulous friends.

As many of you know, there is nothing I like more than to finish up a day of screwdriver wielding and DIY madness with a bottle of wine (I'll skip the glass, thank you) and a hearty helping of some home cooked goodness.  It makes it sooo much more special when I'm not the one cooking it but either way a gal's got to eat and eat I do!

Warm and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup
Carrot Cupcakes with Smooth Tangy Cream Cheese Frosting
Homemade Cookies by Mom for our Wedding
Crispy Zucchini Fritters
The Ever Famous Maine Lobster Roll...mmmmm...Lobster Roll

I have decided to start a new linky party for all you hard working guys and gals so we can virtually share in the relaxation part of our day.  On this day, there is no need to measure anything (unless you're baking that is), pre-drill any holes, level anything, no patching nor priming...all you have to do is have a good appetite and enjoy looking...if you are feeling extra spicy you can get in on the cookin' yourself!   So without further ado - Here is your official welcome to Foodie Friday!!

There are no rules to this linky party except...duh duh duh done...

*Become a follower so I can check out your blog and follow ya back!  This is not mandatory but certainly appreciated...oh, and while you're at it - do you like me enough to "Like" me on Facebook?  It 's a pretty sparse page as I just created it yesterday but I know you guys will help me spruce it up!  The link is on my sidebar conveniently located above the follow button...I made it sooo easy for ya'!  :)

*Your link MUST be a food related item, duh!  It can be a recipe, a specific dish you are craving, a new foodie product you just found, a specific restaurants specific can be a picnic you had - I really don't care!  Just make me want to eat it!

* Add my button or a clickable link to your post or side bar so others can join in - they are located on the bottom of the left sidebar...Walnuts or Garlic?  I dig em' both!

*Try not to post and run - check out another recipe and see what's cookin' elsewhere!  You may just learn something!

Here is what I'll do in return besides hosting this fabulous bash of course...

Each week E and I will pick a recipe (maybe a few) to try out for our weekend feasting.  If we likey - we will feature your recipe and blog the following Friday.  If we don't likey...well, we won't mention you at all.  We all know the golden rule - if you don't have anything nice to say then shut up!

Let the mouth watering, drool inducing, stomach grumbling fun BEGIN!!  I'm Hungry...

In order to get the word out, I also joined a blog hop today at The Girl Creative...hop on and see if you can catch me!!

The Girl Creative

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