I am on an appetizer kick as of late...anyone catch the Spicy Black Bean Dip I blogged about Tuesday? Tasty!! Anywho...I thought I would shed some light on some of the tasty apps that caught my eye this week...
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Beet Hummus - Once Upon a Tomato |
Liz at Once Upon a Tomato linked up my newest best friend...or a version of it. The Beet. See how beautiful this yummy hummus spread looks? It looks even yummier (word? hmmm...) when paired with the amazing picnic lunch she served it with...you absolutely MUST check out the spread on her blog. That is one picnic I am sad to have missed! This talented lady can cook, garden, and is an amazing artist ta boot!! Don't believe me? Check out her Etsy shop here...beautiful work!
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Asparagus Parmesan Tart - Footprints From Otter Hill |
Deb at Footprints From Otter Hill thrilled me by linking up this fabulous savory tart. OK, in all fairness this could go either way, main dish or appetizer, but given the amount of butter that seems to grace a puff pastry for the sake of your arteries (and fitting it into this post) I shall classify it as an appetizer. I think this would be a perfect app with a bottle of wine, some good music, and great conversation. I also think it would pair nicely on a nice warm evening, under the stars and sitting on our brand new wooden deck off the side of the house...hint hint, E... If you haven't popped over to check out Deb's blog now is a great time to say hello!
And in true LBR fashion...we tend to over indulge on apps so often that we have to skip the main meal but we never ever skip dessert...
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Chocolate Peanut Butter Whoopie Pies - Things That Make You Say "Mmmmmm"! |
Karyn at Things That Make You Say "Mmmmm"! is genius when it comes to whipping up desserts!! I am so happy she hopped over to our party last week because this gal can make a mean Whoopie Pie...amongst other things!! Peanut Butter? Oh, yeah, baby. After My Mom and I foraged our way through Maine on The Quest for the Perfect Lobsta Roll I wondered if our next trip should be in honor of Maine's official State Treat...the Whoopie Pie. Surely those are in season year round... If you are in the mood for some super delicious treats make sure to stop by and see Karyn. If you ask me, she is the dog's tuxedo!
Push Up Popsicles - Em-agination |
Push Up Popsicles are Emily's Frankenstein creation which came form combining her love of 2 classic frozen treats - the style of the creamy orange Push Up we all loved as kids mixed with the flavors of The Jello Pudding Pop infamously pushed by good ole Bill Cosby. That man haunted my every childhood foodie craving daydream when, in the 90's and completely out of no where, they discontinued the best frozen treat every to be created. Oh, and don't be fooled - the new pudding pops on the market are not the same...they are just a mocked up version of the what the originals once were. Anyway - Emily took her love of the Pudding Pop and brought it to the 21st century with a classy adult twist. Hooray for Emily and her Em-agination! Want to create some of your own? Emily can tell you where to buy your very own...just ask her!!
Thanks, Ladies, for all your hard work and delicious recipes! Make sure to pick up your Featured Button at the bottom of my right sidebar!!
There are no rules to this linky party except...duh duh duh done...
- It would be super nice if you want to Follow Me, your hostess with the most-est...while you're at it, leave a comment if you so desire!
- Your link MUST be a food related item, duh! It can be a recipe, a specific dish you are craving, a new foodie product you just found, a specific restaurants specific dish...it can be a picnic you had - I really don't care! Just make me want to eat it!
- Add my button or a clickable link to your post or side bar so others can join in - they are located on the bottom of the right sidebar...Walnuts or Garlic? I dig em' both! I don't want to delete posts but this is kind of a scratch my back Ill scratch yours sort of thing...
- Try not to post and run - check out another recipe and see what's cookin' elsewhere! You may just learn something!
- And, don't forget, this week try to invite at least one fellow foodie to join in the party!
Here is what I'll do in return besides hosting this fabulous bash of course...
Each week E and I will pick a recipe (maybe a few) to try out for our weekend feasting. If we likey - we will feature your recipe and blog the following Friday. If we don't likey...well, we won't mention you at all. We all know the golden rule - if you don't have anything nice to say then shut up!
Let the mouth watering, drool inducing, stomach grumbling fun BEGIN!! I'm Hungry...